About Memory Lane Cruisers
Club membership is open to anyone who would like to join, regardless of what you drive, or if you have a car at all! The annual membership fee is $25.00. $15 if you join in July or later. A membership is a family membership- including a spouse or significant other, and children 18 years or under sharing the same residence. Membership cards are mailed or can be picked up at Meetings or Events. Application to Join
Club Communication is done via Email and our Private Facebook group page. We also have a Public Facebook page.
Monthly Club Business Meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at the Wyatt-Johnson Toyota dealership, located upstairs at 2595 Wilma Rudolph Blvd in Clarksville. Meeting times: 6:30pm to 7:45pm. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in the business side of the club. The club was formed FOR the members and BY the members, so come to the meetings, vote on motions, and make your voice heard. Afterwards, many members will drive to a local restaurant to eat and socialize.
For privacy reasons, Membership Rosters are only available at the business meetings or by contacting the Club Membership Coordinator.
The Club Officers / Board of Directors are volunteers who are nominated and elected annually. Members are encouraged to run for an office and help direct the club towards more and better things!
Rod Runs: usually on the Sunday following our monthly business meeting, club members will explore a unique local destination, such as a restaurant, museum or other interesting site and will convoy there in our classic vehicles (weather permitting).
MLC members eat well, with our annual potluck Club Picnic in the spring, and the ever-popular Christmas Party with gift exchange.
Show & Shines: Several times a year, club members convene in their classics at local retirement, nursing, veteran homes, or other locations. The residents love seeing the old cars, reminiscing, and posing for photos. It's a great way to interact with the community and show respect for our elders and veterans.
Monthly Cruise Nights hosted by Memory Lane are on the 1st Saturday night of each month at the Hampton Plaza shopping center parking lot, between Red Lobster and Cook-Out on Wilma Rudolph Blvd. The cruise-in official hours are 5:00pm - 8:00pm. We usually feature music, a 50/50 drawing, and a Pick-of-the-Month (sponsored by O'Reilly's). There are no burnouts or engine revving. Our cruise night attracts around 100 vehicles, depending on the weather. On the other Saturday nights, Memory Lane members can be seen at other cruise-ins, swaps, and shows. Check the web pages titled Car Show Listings and Cruise-In Listings for other events in the area.
Autumn Run: Memory Lane's annual Car Show
is so called as it is planned for September or October each year. The event is our major fund raiser. Proceeds are donated to local charities, which have included the Fisher House at Ft. Campbell, Ronald McDonald House, Shop with a Cop program, Adopt a Family at Christmas, Loaves & Fishes, Manna Cafe, Clarksville Humane Society, Clarksville School System, Operation: Standdown, F.U.EL., Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Camp Rainbow, Gary Sinise Foundation, YAIPAK, Judy's Hope and others. Over the past 10 years, we have donated over $25,000 to local charities.
Contact Us
For General Questions, to Submit Event Info, etc: Will Brandum Webmaster / Vice President: surgecab22@aol.com
For Memberships, Business Ads, etc: Jackie Perkins, Treasurer: jbp2259@outlook.com